The symposium “From model field to power yield” was organized @ Wageningen University on May 11, 2017. The topic of energy meteorology receives increasing attention, but there are few research and education groups that deal with it. Therefore, the goal of the symposium was to bring this interesting topic to the attention of the Wageningen university staff & students, and to establish a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of meteorology in the energy sector. Of course, other interested professionals in- and outside the Netherlands were also welcomed at the symposium and are cordially invited to read more about it here.
This website is in place to disseminate the content of the symposium to the interested reader. You will find written summaries of each of the talks as well as the original presentations. Use the programme page to navigate through the talks.
The symposium was organized by PhD students Arjan Droste & Peter Kalverla, and was sponsored by the SENSE and BBOS research schools.